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Little Pear Baby Milestone Marker Blanket, Gender-Neutral Baby Monthly Growth Chart, Black & White
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Little Pear Baby Milestone Marker Blanket, Gender-Neutral Baby Monthly Growth Chart, Black & White

Product ID: 455896471
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A wonderful photosharing prop for creating beautiful photos of all your baby’s milestones to send to friends and family. The Little Pear Milestone Photo Blanket is the perfect baby gift for the creative, modern, Instagram-obsessed parents-to-be! This newborn monthly milestone blanket has space for your baby under the words “watch me grow” and features the numbers 1 through 12 above the word “months” so you can show your baby’s age in each photo. It also comes with a cut-out photo prop so you can circle the corresponding number for each photo. The color scheme is neutral with a white background and black writing so mom and dad can get creative with their infant’s outfits and accessories as they plan their monthly milestone blanket photo shoot. We’re sure the baby pictures they come up with will be memorable and adorable – and the family memories they create while putting the whole thing together will be just as great as their keepsake photos! A perfect baby registry gift to bring to your next baby shower, the baby milestone blanket is a unique and fun way to make sure that every single baby highlight gets recorded. We know mom, dad and baby will all be thanking you! Includes a Little Pear Milestone Photo Blanket with cut-out photo prop Dimensions: 42” W x 36” H Blanket reads “watch me grow” and includes the numbers 1-12 above the word “months” Included cut-out photo prop is a circle to put around the corresponding number to your baby’s age – but you can also get creative and use ribbon or anything else that strikes your fancy to show your little one’s age in months Super soft cotton blanket doubles as a swaddling blanket for your newborn Create beautiful, memorable photos and share every baby highlight with this sweet monthly milestone blanket

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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