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D.Home Ceramic Match Holder with Striker - Cute Jar for Both Safety Matches and Strike Anywhere Matches - Match Holder for Candles Fireplace and Bathroom Decor - Set of 2 Ceramic Jars
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D.Home Ceramic Match Holder with Striker - Cute Jar for Both Safety Matches and Strike Anywhere Matches - Match Holder for Candles Fireplace and Bathroom Decor - Set of 2 Ceramic Jars

Product ID: 362441428
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to light a candle or a fireplace but you couldn’t find a match? It takes a lot of time and effort to find a matchbox. We offer you a convenient way to keep matches at hand. At the same time this jar of matches with striker will be a nice, stylish accent in your interior. You can place the decorative jars anywhere you want: living room, bathroom, bedroom, or kitchen. The stone design of the match striker will add more uniqueness to your home decor. The match striker holder is very pleasant to the touch; it is made of natural material which is perfectly safe for you and your children. It fits perfectly into one hand while your second hand strikes the match. The match striker fits about 100 matches. If necessary, you can change match striker paper on the body of the jar. The set includes 2 extra match strike papers.It does not matter what kind of matches you have in hand. To light up safety matches you need to strike them against the body of the jar, but if you have strike anywhere matches just strike them against the bottom of the jar. Our amazing set of match holder and striker includes two cute jars: white and beige. Choose a color of the jar depending on the interior of the room you're putting it in.Moreover, the set comes in a beautiful package which makes it easier to give it as a gift to your loved ones..

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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