Wild Republic Wild Calls Bison Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Kids Gifts, 7.5"
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Wild Republic Wild Calls Bison Plush, Stuffed Animal, Plush Toy, Kids Gifts, 7.5"

Product ID: 186786105
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Behold the incredible Bison, known as North America's largest land mammal. If you've ever noticed a hump on their back, You're not fooled. This body feature is primarily Muscle and is used to support their heads when plowing through snow. Since prehistoric times, Yellowstone National Park is the only place where Bison have lived continuously from extensive research and fossils. The bison that still roam there today are some of the only that are free of cattle genes. From all of their eating, they can weigh up to 2, 000 pounds. Bring the spirit of this ancient-times mammal into your life or as a gift to a loved one. Be sure to squeeze this plushier to hear the sounds of the wild recorded from Cornell. Wild Republic has been developing plush animals and educational toys for kids of all ages since 1979, With a specialization in realistic stuffed animals.

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